Data Sheets
Alternate Area Database Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about NetAcuity's new addition, the Alternative Area Database.
NetAcuity’s Alternate Area Database
NetAcuity is taking IP-based location targeting to the next level by adding a new database to its solution enabling IP addresses to be mapped to individual Statistical Areas (SA1) in Australia.
Notify Product Data Sheet
Nodify is specifically designed to provide powerful contextual IP address metadata. It offers extensive insights into the origins of web traffic, including VPNs, proxies, and darknets.
Technology Datasheet
Digital Element helps companies across industries to uncover actionable information about online users such as geographic location, connection speed, domain name and more—information that can actually help improve the reach, relevance and response of online initiatives—all while respecting the user’s right to privacy.
Online Advertising Application Sheet
With the local online and video advertising markets growing at staggering rates, being able to provide deeper insight about online audiences will give you the added edge you need to increase market share and stay ahead in the game.
Content Rights Management
Trying to secure online content distribution and comply with licensing and copyright agreements of streaming media is challenging. So how do you effectively distribute content to an online audience and at the same time safeguard it—all while obeying the license and copyright agreements made with the content licensors and others?
Content Localization Application Sheet
The Internet has made every online company instantly global, which can seem daunting at times. The best way to connect with this diverse and dispersed global audience is to show them that you “understand where they are coming from.” Digital Element translates that phrase into the literal sense by providing IP Intelligence information that allows retailers to serve relevant content in real time by identifying where website visitors are coming from…literally.
Enhance Analytics Application Sheet
Web analytics has the ability to deliver new insights about online visitor behavior. Armed with this information, companies can discover actionable marketing intelligence to drive change and innovation within the online marketing process—a true key to success.
Fraud and Security Application Sheet
Online businesses are only successful when users are confident that the channel is safe and secure. Digital Element’s accurate and reliable NetAcuity® IP Intelligence and geolocation technology helps break down anonymity barriers to identify potential sources of fraud and protect users online. By adding an additional layer of protection to validate or verify user location, NetAcuity is a key component of mission-critical fraud, compliance and security applications.
Mobile Targeting Application Sheet
View the PDF IP geolocation fills the mobile gap and helps brands reach more “on-the-go” consumers With more than 6.5 billion mobile subscribers today—almost triple the amount of Internet users—mobile is poised to become the dominant, or first, screen for reaching consumers. As such, advertisers, publishers, retailers and other brands are devoting an increasing amount...
Be IP Smart: The Full Guide to Choosing the Right IP Geolocation Provider
View the PDF Is Your Company IP Smart? IP Intelligence and geolocation technologies can take your business to the next level no matter the type of online audience you serve. But Being IP Smart is about more than implementing just any solution: it’s about implementing proven global technologies that are validated and accredited within the...
Infographic: A Walking Tour of Geotropolis
View the Infographic IP geolocation allows businesses to bring the real-world power of location to the online world. Take a walking tour of Geotropolis to see the types of industries that can leverage the power and versatility of geolocation technology to drive relevance and revenue for their online endeavors. View the Full Infographic