Postcode Targeting Moves Across The Pond

A lot of American influences have found their way “across the pond.” But, forget McDonalds, Burger King, and even Starbucks. We’re finally sending our U.K. marketing friends something they can really sink their teeth into. (No pun intended).

With European online ad spending expected to experience a projected 6.5 percent increase in 2010, the timing couldn’t be better for online marketers to really start maximizing the use of localization or geolocation targeting of content as a means to enable higher returns.

For the first time, online marketers and publishers in the United Kingdom have the ability to accurately target advertising, content and promotions down to a postcode level, through our new product called NetAcuity Edge.

In particular, the ability to use a “hyperlocal” IP targeting data set, that identifies web users’ geographic location down to the five-digit zip code in the United States and at the postal code level in Europe, is immensely beneficial. Europe, as an example, is quite different because it doesn’t consist of just one clearly defined market. It differs from country to country, with each having several very distinct regional audiences.

But, don’t just take my word for it.

“The ability to accurately target postcodes has long been a missing link in the United Kingdom,” said Satish Jayakumar, AdJug COO and Co-Founder.  “We’ve seen first-hand how Digital Element’s technology directly impacts response levels, and we anticipate increasing that response rate more by delivering messages even closer to home.”

AdJug, the leading European online advertising exchange, reported in September of 2009 that response levels to online advertisements were more than 50 percent higher when IP Intelligence and geolocation technology is used. The company is now deploying NetAcuity Edge to target online content at the hyperlocal level.

Now, if we can just find a way to repay you for The Beatles, BBC television and soccer—ur…uh…football.

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